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Join the Club!

Our membership year runs from 1st July through to 30th June.

Membership to the MMSFC entitles you to use the MOSC clubrooms and you also receive a swipe card that gives you discounted drinks at the bar.

It entitles you to enter all of our fishing tournaments and to be eligible for trophies, records and pins.

Application information

You must be nominated and seconded by a financial MMSFC member. For any enquiries regarding membership please contact the Secretary.

Current Annual Membership Fees are:  
Adult - $70.00
Couples - $90.00
Family - $100.00 

To download an application form or apply online - see the buttons on the right.

Membership Types

Annual Memberships: 1st July - 30th June

Half Year Memberships: 1st December - 30th June

Half Year memberships are available from 1st December to be full Club and fishing member until June 30th.

Half Year memberships can only be for the 1st membership term, after that progression to full membership is required.


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